Road transport of bulk cargo

At Dolt Logistics we know how to deal with the road transport of bulk cargo, as well as the machinery and instruments required for its handling, particularly when the freight in question is dangerous, such as fuel or chemicals.

Our customers love our service and attention to safety and detail.

Why not request a quote now and let us work with you on your next move.

Heavy goods transport

We can provide specially approved vehicles for this kind of freight, as well as skilled workers to carry out the operation, guaranteeing that your heavy load will arrive safely at its destination within the agreed deadline.

Dry goods road transport

This kind of cargo is transported in packages or on pallets. We can subdivide the dry load into fractions, referring to loose goods when they have their own packaging, such as parcels, sacks or boxes; and to units, when it is made up of articles grouped together on pallets or in containers.

Road transport of dangerous goods

Dolt Logistics offers the road transport of dangerous goods to satisfy your ADR shipment needs with complete reliability and in compliance with all standards demanded by the law. Here we refer to specifications on packaging, labelling and the marking of units transported as well as safety when loading and stowing the cargo in said units.


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